A “Dilute” Specimen: Is It a Reliable Way To Pass a Drug Test?

Some people claim submitting a diluted urine sample can be an effective strategy to beat a test on drugs. That is the reason men and women who often need to undergo the urine drug test try to find ways to dilute their pee for the purpose of drug testing. Many have tried several dilution techniques, which we will discuss together with negative vs. positive diluted specimens and effective ways how to effectively pass this type of a drug test.

Definition of the Diluted Urine Sample

You’re probably wondering what is a diluted urine sample. A urine specimen that contains much higher traces of water compared to the average is called a diluted urine sample. Almost all the time it shows as clear with a pale yellowish color.

People who have some kind of health issues, such as NDI (nephrogenic diabetes insipidus), ), tend to produce dilute urine. However, there are also other reasons urine becomes less concentrated. Usually, those who want to pass drugs-of-abuse screening tests do this intentionally.

Dilution Techniques for Drug Tests

The four most common ways urine samples for drug screening tests become diluted are:

1. Excessive Fluid Intake

Normal urine is 95% water and also contains a small amount of several metabolic byproducts. The more fluid you drink, the further decrease the solutes levels. At the same time, the concentration of solvent increases too.

Water is the most common diluting agent or solvent, so people would drink plenty of fluids, preferably water, 24 hours prior to the drug test. There is no accurate and precise value of how much water you need to drink in order to dilute your urine for the purpose of beating drug tests. That’s because the rate at which the body clears substances will depend from one person to another.

Apart from water, other fluids such as tea, juice, and coffee can also decrease urine concentration. See the chart with popular goods in such niche, such as Powdered Urine and Urinator.


Powdered Human Urine

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The Urinator

  • A reusable electronic device that holds and heats your urine sample to the body temperature!
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2. Use of Diuretics

Diuretics are products that allow your body to excrete a higher amount of water than you would normally do, resulting in less concentrated urine. Most of these are medications prescribed for people with hypertension, kidney problems, diabetes, and PCOS.

There are also commonly consumed beverages and food that have physiological diuretic effects, including but not limited to:

  • Bell pepper
  • Berries
  • Celery
  • Coffee
  • Grapes
  • Tea
  • Watermelon

3. Dilution Tablets

Dilution tablets are among the most popular products used by amphetamine users who try to trick or fake urine drug tests. They take the tablet orally, a day before their scheduled drug test to help lower the amount of the drug in the body; thereby, producing less concentrated pee.

What Is Considered “Dilution” in Urine Drug Testing? Positive vs. Negative Diluted Specimen

Some men and women have figured out the way to add color to urine or dilute their urine to successfully pass a screening procedure for the drug test.

One day prior to the drug test they took vitamin B to make sure that their urine is yellow and with unclear transparency. As a result, the specimen will not be rejected and there will not be any suspicion whether the person diluted it intentionally.

Nowadays, though, thanks to the continuous improvement in any methods and protocols for screening, experts can determine whether or not a submitted diluted pee is acceptable or not.

Validity Checks for Diluted Pee for Drug Screens

We already know the standard diluted meaning and dilute urine appears clear, but not every clear pee submitted for drug screen indicates the person diluted it intentionally. Thus, screening labs perform validity checks, namely:

1. Creatinine Levels

Creatinine, a breakdown product of amino acid metabolism, is one of the top organic compounds found in normal urine. Its normal concentration ranges from 20 mg/dl to 400mg/dl. If the submitted urine has a creatinine level lower than 20 mg/dl, testers mark it as dilute.

2. Relative density (specific gravity)

This is one of the most common tests in routine urinalysis. The main objective of specific gravity is to evaluate urine concentration. On the test normal range is 1002-1020 and the number below 1.002 tells that urine is too diluted.

These two lab examinations for urine will help the tester classify it as either a negative or positive dilute.

Negative vs. Positive Dilute or Dilution

Like all tests, a drug screening test can have a dilute result that is either positive or negative. Knowing how positive and negative results are different is very important and for employers and for those who require the test. but also for those people who need to take the test.

Negative Dilute

The negative result indicates the provided sample is negative for tested drugs. But there is too much water in the sample submitted. As such, it’s not really indicative if the person is truly negative for drug use. With these results, the table below is a guide on what needs to be done.

Creatinine Level What To Do Who Orders It
2 mg/dl to 5 mg/dl Repeat Collection and testing Testing Facility/Officer
Above 5 mg/dl to 20 mg/dl Accept result as negative or retest immediately with an escort to ensure the person doesn’t drink a lot of water Company/Employer or Requesting Party

An initial negative dilute result doesn’t usually violate any probation-related drug test and is not a reason for someone’s termination. However, the company’s policy will dictate whether or not a job applicant with such a result can continue his or her application. It’s also the basis as to what action needs to be taken next regarding the specific employee. In other words, diluted urine drug test probation subject that depends on policy of a specific company or organization.

Positive Dilute

A positive dilute means the urine sample is positive to the drug despite very low specific gravity and a low level of creatinine. This indicates that the dilution attempt to flush out the metabolite was unsuccessful. Unlike the negative counterpart, a positive dilute test result always remains positive.

How to Successfully Beat a Drug Test According To Experts and Medical Scientists

Lots of companies conduct drug screening randomly to ensure they maintain a drug-free working environment. Most of these tests can detect the presence of a drug substance in your system that you smoked or consumed a week before. Hence, how to pass a urine drug test in 24 hours naturally if you’re a user is like winning the lottery, it is chance one in a few million. A great percentage of users are trying to deal with such an issue with the help of the below goods: Toxin Rid and Mega Clean.


Toxin Rid

  • Toxin Rid is a detox system that consists of three parts: pre-rid tablets, liquid detox, and dietary fiber
  • Toxin Rid is primarily created for persons with heavy exposure to toxins
  • It starts working in an hour
  • The detox system eliminates unwanted drug toxins from urine, blood, and saliva
  • 100% money-back guarantee

Mega Clean + PreCleanse Pills

  • The product works in one hour to minimize toxins levels and its effects last up to five hours. This product achieves its peak in three hours

The Best Way To Pass a Drug Test on Short Notice

The best and safest method to beat a drug test is common knowledge, the truth that no one needs to tell you, which is not to take drugs in any form. Marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and other substance are abusive shouldn’t be used. But, let’s say you use cannabis and want to know the best way to pass a drug test on short notice. Read on to see how to succeed in passing a drug test naturally.

Possible Alternatives

Some tricks can beat simple immunoassays for drugs, but we don’t suggest them since they also come with dangers.


Aspirin is a popular medication that helps manage minor aches, fever, and inflammation. It’s also commonly prescribed to individuals at high risk of developing clots that can lead to stroke or heart attacks. People allergic to the med and those with bleeding tendencies, GIT issues, and liver ailments shouldn’t take aspirin.

With that in mind, a published study showed that the presence of aspirin metabolites in the sample could produce a false-negative result. Do note, though, that this is only true for the lab procedure known as EMIT assay.

The recommended ways to take aspirin for drug test dilution success are as follows down below:

  1. Take two Aspirin tablets four to six hours before you’re scheduled to take a drug test with at least 30 minutes intervals per tablet.
  2. Two hours prior to the drug test, take another two aspirin tablets with at least 30 minutes interval per tablet.
  3. Drink safe, but large quantities of water for you to urinate a few times before you submit a sample.

Creatine Supplements

Drinking water in large quantities to eliminate the drug metabolites and dilute the pee used to be one of the solutions to pass successfully a drug test naturally. As mentioned, most, if not all, drug screening facilities now check for creatinine levels when the urine submitted appears diluted.

Taking creatine supplements might increase the creatinine to an acceptable level since creatinine is a creatine metabolism product. The safety of consuming creatine supplements must also be considered, though, especially if you have underlying conditions.

Reliability of Diluted Urine in Passing a Drug Screen: The Conclusion

The success of dilution tactics in beating assays in the past led to the improvement in screening for drugs in urine. From accompanying a person while collecting a sample to performing validity checks, common dilution techniques no longer work.

In conclusion, diluted urine is not the wisest option to choose to beat a drug test. On another hand, it can be tricky to get a negative dilution result because you might need to take another test and it can be very incriminatory for you. And of course, if you take medications or supplements you may jeopardize your health.

So, stay as drug-free as possible!