A hair follicle drug test is a screen for drugs from the previous 90 days and in this section of the article we will look at the mechanisms of this test as well as discussing hair follicle drug test detection times. It is possible that this detection window of three months could be greater if the person has particularly long hair, but law and common practice only allow the first 1.5 inches of hair to be tested, covering only 90 days. Saliva tests have the most limited detection period of just 1 to 3 days while blood and urine tests have an intermediate detection range.
How common is a hair drug test?
The Journal of law and technology (from the University of Richmond School of Law) expresses that hair follicle drug test use is becoming more commonplace, particularly in the legal industry whereby court-ordered drug testing may be necessary. Such court-cases may be in relation to probation, divorce or child custody cases. These tests may be undertaken for job hiring, as part of a legal process, through sports and a range of further scenarios.
Given the wide window of detectability with a hair follicle test, certain employers such truck-driving companies and for jobs law enforcement may use such a test while most employers will simply use a saliva or urinary test or possibly a blood test to screen for drugs in employees or potential workers. A hair follicle test is generally undertaken through the following two key steps:
- Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or an ELISA test is a rapid method for detecting drug substances from a hair sample.
- If this results in a positive test, then a confirmation test will take place using methods such as GC-MS. This is done to ensure that a false positive result has not occurred in the first step.
Our #1 Choice
Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean |
Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo |
Hair follicle test drug detection rate
While hair follicle tests are less common than urinary, saliva or blood-based tests, they can generally detect a wider range of drugs as well as being more effective and of course also have a longer detection window. Like any drug screen however, it still does not have a 100% success rate. Factors including a person’s average rate of sweat, the nature of the drug compounds present in the hair sample and the level of melanin in an individual’s hair sample can all play a role in how likely the test is to pick up a drug substance. Hair follicle tests can not only detect marijuana but also substances such as amphetamines (such as ecstasy), opiates, cocaine and PCP.
Weed users may employ an array of different hair detox methods for passing a hair follicle test with the Macujo Method and the Jerry G Method being particularly popular among cannabis users. Bleaching and dyeing hair is another prominent approach for trying to beat a hair drug screen. It is important to ensure that you are not breaking the law by undertaking a hair detox method. Doing so in a given court case for example will probably always be illegal but attempting to cheat a hair follicle test for say employment, is likely not prohibited in your territory. However, you should be sure of this beforehand and undertake the relevant research for your particular area. For example territories such as the U.S. states of South Carolina and Maryland have outlawed the use of detox methods to pass a drug test.
The Summary of Hair Detox Methods
The Macujo Method
- Rinse your hair thoroughly then add vinegar and work it through your scalp.
- Apply Clean and Clear in the same fashion. Put a shower cap on and keep it on for half an hour.
- Shampoo your hair twice with Toxin
- Wash your hair with a few drops of Tide
- Use Zydot Ultra Clean to shampoo your hair further.
- Repeat this process 3 times a day before your test and then once more on the morning of the test itself.
The Jerry G Method
- In relation to marijuana, stop smoking ten days prior to your test if this is possible.
- Bleach and dye your hair using a hair dye which contains ammonia.
- Use Toxin Rid (or another appropriate detox shampoo) to wash your hair.
- A day before your test, bleach and dye your hair once again.
- When the day of your test arrives, apply baking soda to your hair in a paste form. Leave it in for a quarter of an hour before washing and flushing out the drug toxins from your hair. Finally, shampoo your hair with Toxin Rid (or another detox shampoo if you have chosen a different product).
Bleaching and dyeing as a method in of itself may also work effectively but like with any of these methods, there is no guarantee of success.[1] Both methods are popular but can each be costly. The Jerry G method is especially popular for its rapid effectiveness however the Macujo method has according to some sources, up to a 90% success rate. In discussing the Macujo method we will also discuss how to pass a hair follicle test with vinegar which is another distinction between the Macujo and Jerry G method.
The Macujo Method
The Macujo method includes the use of a variety of products in an effort to detox your hair and scalp of toxins such as THC and many users turn to the Macujo Method with Aloe Rid to beat a hair test for weed. It also features the use of detox shampoo to pass a hair follicle drug test. Most of those using this method in a detoxification effort do so for marijuana. This method can be hard on your hair and scalp and risks causing some degree of (likely only temporary) damage.
It is important that you are aware of any risks involved when utilizing a drug detox method of any kind. If you have sensitive skin then you should not use this method as it could be harmful or/and painful. The use of elements such as vinegar could lead to pain and redness on your scalp either way. The Macujo Method can work by damaging hair and in turn helping to remove toxins from your hair and scalp.
Our #1 Choice
Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean |
Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo |
What You Will Need
For the Macujo method you require:
- A sink with warm water
- Goggles (important to protect your eyes)
- A towel
- Disposable gloves (change gloves when done with each chemical substance along the way).
- Shower Caps
- Regular vinegar
- Pink Clean and Clear Wash for Acne
- A detox or/and aloe-based shampoo (ideally ‘Toxin Rid shampoo with Aloe’)
- Liquid Tide Detergent pack
- Ultra Clean Shampoo from Zydot
This method involves the use of corrosive substances and may ruin your hair or/and scalp. If you have experienced an inflammatory reaction to a substance on your skin or scalp in the past, then you should not be using this method. However, if this is not the case and you are confident you will not experience an allergic reaction (after double checking the ingredient set of each product you will be using), then you should commence at your own risk while being cautiously prepared for using this method to detox your hair/scalp. We are not recommending a method, we are just describing methods online users have claimed helped them to shield their privacy of their bodily fluids from overstepping authorities.
Step by Step Guide:
Some sources suggest rinsing your hair thoroughly to begin the process. However, you may want to consider avoiding this as this may just add another layer on top of your hair’s natural oil where the toxins will be locked in place, making it more difficult for the relevant products to work on your hair and scalp effectively. Here are the Mike’s Macujo method steps:
- Once you have your disposable gloves and goggles on, apply the vinegar throughout your hair and scalp.
- Apply the Clean and Clear pink shampoo to your hair with the vinegar still present on your head. Leave this mixture in your hair/on your scalp for half an hour with a shower cap on.
- Then it’s time to rinse your hair thoroughly, removing the mixture from your scalp and hair. Make sure you really rinse it out properly and avoid any remaining left over.
- Wash your hair with Toxin Rid’s old-style ‘Aloe Shampoo’ (or an appropriate alternative). Using an Aloe-based shampoo will support your scalp and help avoid inflammation.
- Repeat the shampoo and rinse thoroughly.
- Apply a few drops of tide laundry detergent. Wash this through your hair. If you find this step particularly itchy or uncomfortable, you could skip this step, however this will in turn reduce your chances of a successful detox. Using this product does have a higher risk than with other products.
- Rinse out the product thoroughly.
- You should repeat this step three times on the day prior to your test.
Does the Macujo Method really work?
As far as we are aware, there are no scientific studies proving that the Macujo Method is effective however many have succeeded with this method and further, products such as Toxin Rid have a substantial level of positive feedback both through customer ratings and in the form of website Macujo Method reviews.
Pros & Cons:
- Does not cause as much hair damage as bleaching and dyeing
- Recommended by many due to its success rate
- May be as much as 90% effective
- Works best for thin, light hair
- It is generally a costly method
- May not necessarily work and can depend on your hair length/type
- Requires that you follow the Macujo Method precisely, otherwise it will likely not work, especially without aloe rid
The Jerry G Method
Alike with the Macujo Method, you may want to avoid this method if your scalp or hair is especially sensitive or/and if you’ve had a reaction on your skin to other products applied to it before. The Jerry G method, like the Macujo method can also work by damaging hair and therefore aiding in the removal of drug residues from your hair and scalp. Will it work for all types of drugs? This method is generally used to remove THC residues however it may work for other drugs. The evidence with that said, does point toward it working primarily for weed detoxing.
What You Will Need:
- Hair dye (with ammonia)
- Effective detox shampoo
- Baking soda powder
- Ultra Clean Shampoo from Zydot
Step by Step Guide:
- Stop using marijuana for at least 10 days.
- Bleach your hair with an ammonia-filled hair dye on the very day you stop smoking weed. This is done in an attempt to break open the hair cuticle and flush contents such as toxins out of it. If you have bleached your hair before with little to no side-effects, you should hopefully come out of this no worse as far as scalp wear goes.
- Rinse your hair thoroughly with an effective detox shampoo such as Toxin Wash or Toxin Rid with Aloe.
- On the 10th day without weed, bleach and dye your hair once more. Then make use of the aloe-based shampoo once more.
- Apply a baking soda paste to your head on the day of the test while showering. Leave the baking soda paste in your hair for a ¼ of an hour and then wash it out by rinsing thoroughly. This will achieve a neutralizing of acids in your hair and in turn help to detox your hair. Finally shampoo once more with a product such as Toxin Rid.
- Last but not least, wash your hair with Ultra Clean Shampoo from Zydot.
Pros & Cons:
- Only needs five ingredients
- A fast and largely effective solution
- A popular method
- It will damage your hair and your appearance (at least temporarily)
- Quite costly, especially in regards to Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid
How long does marijuana stay in your hair follicles?
Marijuana can remain present in your hair follicles (and hair shaft) for up to 3 months and with heavy smokers potentially even longer.
Does using hair detox shampoos help you beat a hair drug test?
They may work. Both Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Detox Shampoo and Zydot Ultra Clean have received a lot of praise online with strong customer ratings while some also turn to propylene glycol shampoo. Aloe may not be the magic bullet for you to pass a drug test and considering its cost, you may decide to instead put your money into the cheaper of the shampoos, being Zydot’s Ultra Clean shampoo.
Does bleaching work?
Yes. Bleaching and dyeing are proven scientifically to be effective ways of reducing detectable drug residues in your hair. It seems that bleaching and dyeing achieves this by altering drug metabolites with minor (and very likely temporary) damage to your hair. It can remove the drug toxins or at the very least push them further into the hair cortex making them more difficult to detect.
Can any damage done to my hair using these methods be reversed?
In most cases, any damage done to your hair through a hair detoxification process will just be temporary. Once you go back to shampooing and conditioning your hair like normal, it should be back to its healthy self in no time. However, this is always a risk with a hair detox regiment of permanent damage occurring. This is why you should take every precaution before using a method such as the Macujo or Jerry G methods and further you should ask yourself and consider whether or not you want to use these methods and accept the risks involved.
Does Macujo/Jerry G method damage hair?
Yes. Both methods will result in hair damage.
Can you use the Macujo/Jerry G method on body hair?
These methods may work on body hair although there is no guarantee. There is a greater risk of permanent damage or/and a rash resulting if you try these methods on body hair too.
Can you beat a hair follicle drug test? There is scientific evidence that it can be done. However the catch is that you’ll need to cause a degree of (hopefully temporary) damage to your hair. It’s not an easy call to make and again you should be sure that it is not dangerous for you to undertake any of these processes and that you take all of the necessary safety measures.
If you have experienced skin inflammation before or if you are allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned in this article (assuming you are using the relevant product), then you should avoid hair detoxing for a drug test. However, you should bleach and dye your hair if you are undertaking hair detoxification as doing both could work more effectively than either alone. Bleaching and dyeing are probably better than the Macujo method or the Jerry G method since shampoos are designed to flush your hair, not damage it.
Your goal is to cause as much damage as possible while keeping your hair intact. Shampooing may help alongside bleaching and dyeing (especially as detox shampoos are somewhat more likely to cause damage than your average shampoo) but the bleach and dye element is arguably the key to success.
“Hair follicle drug tests.” Jamie Eske, Medical News Today, 2019, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325013
“How can you beat a hair follicle drug test?” Darly Seldon, LeafExpert, 2019, https://leaf.expert/health/detox/hair-follicle-drug-test
“Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo” Amazon, Amazon, 2020 https://www.amazon.com/Zydot-Ultra-Clean-Shampoo/dp/B00KJS9TTQ