The Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme

The Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme (BFDPP) aims to promoteobjective debate on the effectiveness, direction and content ofdrug policies at national and international level.
This non-governmental initiative brings together senior policymakers,leading academics and practitioners to assess the latest evidenceof drug policy effectiveness in a spirit of objectivity and opendebate. It does this through the production and dissemination ofa series of policy analysis papers, occasional meetings and seminars,and engagement with policymakers in national governmentsand international agencies.
This web site provides access to reports and briefing papers preparedby the BFDPP, as well as information on relevant events and seminars.
It also provides links to other relevant websites, and to relateddrug policy initiatives, such as the International Drug PolicyConsortium (IDPC), and the International Societyfor the Study of Drug Policy(ISSDP).
Translations: On pages where translationsare available there will be a link alongside the title.



This Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme briefing paper examines some current issues surrounding drug policy in the Republic of Georgia. The authors argue that, despite endorsing a balanced approach to dealing with the consequences of an expanding illicit drug market, Georgian authorities remain overly reliant on enforcement oriented policies. This is particularly the case with regard to a recently introduced coercive drug testing regime.
The brief examines the negative consequences of the testing programme, argues that testing and incarceration do little to reduce drug use, and concludes that Georgian officials should adopt a truly balanced drug policy in line with most members of the EU: an organization Georgia is keen to strengthen its ties with.

Beckley Report 13 – Recalibrating the Regime: the need for UN system-wide coherence in drug control and human rights.

This report – a collaborative effort between several drugs, health, and human rights NGOs – looks at the tensions between some aspects of the global drug control system, and UN human rights standards. The authors point out that, despite numerous instances of human rights abuses perpetrated in the name of drug control, there has been little engagement with this issue by the responsible bodies, the UNODC, INCB and the Human Rights treaty bodies.
IDPC Briefing Paper Number 6 – The World Drug Report 2007.
This IDPC Briefing reviews the data in the latest report from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime on the state of the global market, criticises the claims made in the report that international action is successfully controlling the market, and questions the political objectivity of the UNODC as we approach the review of the global objectives set in 1998.
Beckley Report 12 – Prisons and Drugs.
The latest report from the Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme describes the high rates of drug problems in all prison systems, summarises the current state of global knowledge and research evidence, and provides a guide for policymakers on how to develop effective policies and programmes in this area.
Beckley Briefing Paper 12 – The Australian “heroin shortage” six years on.
What, if any, are the implications for drug policy? This briefing paper summarizes the results of research into the consequences of the so-called Australian “heroin shortage” in 2001 and reviews the continuing debate about its causes and policy significance.
Coming Events:
HARM REDUCTION 2008: IHRA’s 19th International Conference.
The latest in the series of global gatherings to review the state of harm reduction services, exchange best practices, and plan for the future.11 – 15 May 2008; Barcelona, Spain.